The Complete List of Stephen King-Related Media I Will Consume For This Project

•June 18, 2011 • 2 Comments

Here’s the list. It currently contains 165 items and is approximately four epochs long. It was painstakingly compiled by none other than myself, using a combination of Stephen King’s website and Wikipedia. It’s subject to change at any time, and I’ll add to it as Stephen King writes more books. Enjoy.

UPDATE: I added all the Stephen King comics to the list. Except for the Creepshow one from the 80s.

Carrie 1974 novel

‘Salem’s Lot 1975 novel

Carrie 1976 film

The Shining 1977 novel

Rage 1977 novel as Richard Bachman

Night Shift 1978 collection

The Stand 1978 novel

The Long Walk 1979 novel as Richard Bachman

The Dead Zone 1979 novel

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Introduction and Q&A

•June 18, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Uh, hello there.

Welcome to a rather pointless but hopefully entertaining project, in which I will attempt to consume every Stephen King book, movie, miniseries, etc. currently in existence. This is most likely a stupid voyage to embark upon, but quite honestly I need something to do, and a large, completist “project” like this one seems to fit the bill.

First, though, let’s get some generalities out of the way.

Why Stephen King?

A few reasons. First, he has a huge, sufficiently difficult-to-tackle body of work. Second, most of his books tie together into a coherent canon, so there’s an extra reward for reading all the books in order. Third, sources tell me there are some pretty big climbs and drops in quality, just to keep things interesting. This will be especially true of the movies, seeing as we’ll get to watch some of the most acclaimed films ever made (The Shawshank Redemption) and have to wade through plenty of direct-to-DVD detritus (Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror). Fourth, I have a certain interest in horror fiction, so I’ll probably find at least some of this stuff to my liking. And finally, Stephen King has singlehandedly created some of the most well-known pop culture artifacts of the last half-century, many of which I’ve never read or seen, so he seemed like an obvious choice.

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